Antoon Coolenlaan 1, 5644 RX Eindhoven, Nederland

Product Research

de Tongelreep

Are you an entrepreneur and do you have a knowledge question about the innovation of your products, production processes or services? And does this question pertain to swimming in the broadest sense of the word, triathlon or water? Then we are most likely able to answer this question. To this end, you can use a knowledge voucher providing a rebate of 50% of the invoice.

For instance, if you wonder whether your sensor or product works well under water, then please contact us. We are able to answer all your questions about sensor technology and product development in relation to swimming. We can determine which sensors are optimal for your application, which materials you can use best, what you can do to improve efficiency, the possibilities are legion.

You can contact us by sending an e-mail to or by calling 06-10365059. If you state your company and your question, we will arrange the rest. We will elaborate the question in consultation with you and prepare and draft a research proposal. After the proposal has been approved, the research will be initiated. If completed, you will receive a fact sheet with an elaborate, conclusive answer to your question.


  • You are an (mkb) entrepreneur and searching for an answer to a knowledge question about the innovation of products, production processes or services.
  • With this voucher you can compensate 50 % of the invoice.
  • The maximal value of a voucher is € 3.750.