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Categorie: Research

de Tongelreep

Peter Beek in podcast van Radio Swammerdam

In deze uitzending duiken Pelle Yntema en Emerence Kapteijn samen met hoogleraar coördinatiedynamica Peter Beek en fanatiek sporter en trainer Emiel Heuver in de wereld van het zwemmen. Op welke manier verhouden sportprestaties zich tot het element water? Heeft “watergevoel” bijvoorbeeld invloed op sportprestaties? Hoe belangrijk is dat voor bewegingswetenschappers? En is er iets als…
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Hoe kunnen kinderen het beste leren zwemmen?

InnoSportLab de Tongelreep, de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en de Nationale Raad Zwemveiligheid (NRZ) zijn een samenwerking aangegaan rond een promotieproject gericht op de zwemles.

First 3D analysis for the Paralympic team

Last Tuesday the Dutch Paralympic team came to the InnoSportLab de Tongelreep for measurements. For the first time 3D analysis was included in the test battery. The main objective of these tests is to measure and monitor the swimmers’ skills by performing starts, turns, underwater phase, sprints and 100 meter race characteristics so the Paralympic…
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PhD Project- Tumble turn measurements for elite and sub-elite swimmers

After the physiological measurements we continue with the measurements that are part of our Human Movement Scientist Paul Koster’s PhD, to focus mainly on turns, especially during freestyle swimming. The project is based on two main objectives. The first objective is based on verifying the difference in the angles between the segments of the body,…
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Creating swimmers’ physiological profile – Complex testing for research purposes

A complex chain of measurements took place in the last two weeks in InnoSportLab de Tongelreep on 22 swimmers of the Dutch National Team. The project aims to determine a full physiological profile of the athletes, led by PhD student of the Lab, Michel de Haan. The first three days consisted of VO2 max tests…
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